Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 45

Sure would be nice if I could come up with some better titles for my posts....I guess I could go with, "Day 45, Coding and Such", or something... Ehhh, I think I will just stick with the safe bet..

I started to tackle Ruby today and it seemed like I have done it a little before because of how similar it is to Python. Similar because of how you use the command line in combination with your text editor. The syntax is a little different, especially when you have to say "puts" instead of print. Besides that, it shouldn't take too long to get used to. I really didn't get too deep into it, but I did mess around with the lessons and some command line jargon. 


Blogger decided it wanted to fight me on the position of the blue. I just gave in. 

Not sure if it is the correct code on the left for what is being "put" on the command line (blue), but this just shows how these two work together. Get it--because in Ruby you use puts to print something.....?

- Kyle 

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