Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 39

Well, I started to do OOP again today, but I got side-tracked and just worked on my Facebook project for most of the day. All of the pages are linked to one another and are functional.. Well, as "functional" as they can be right now. The Forgot Password page displays errors if you don't meet the criteria that is required. I did that with an associative array and then calling them from the process page,to the Password page, I still have a lot of work to do with the styling and databases, but this is what I have done so far. I am using all of my own code, so it is taking me a long time with all of the minor details. I am learning a lot though.

Code (below) to set the error messages so far. I am still going to add some more and get the database to send a message (with the new password) to the user when the info is correct. Might take me awhile to figure that one out, ha.

Login/Sign up page
Forget Password page
News Feed
Profile page

Still have a lot to do with this project,

- Kyle

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