Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 28

Tomorrow we start week 5...? I think that's what it is.. I guess we will just go with that. The past 4 weeks have been awesome. I have learned so much in the time I have been here. From where I was a month ago, to where I am now, is truly remarkable. I am about a year ahead of where I would be if I kept learning on my own. Working with peers and getting help from the knowledgeable staff here accelerates the learning process tenfold. Again, if you want to learn this stuff, I highly recommend coming to the Coding Dojo (<= Oh Blogger and your links, how you insist on always being a clicked link) or one of the other programming schools around the country. There are 6 or so in the Bay Area alone.

I am still working on my new version of the wall, but I have to take my belt test before midnight. I actually found out it is the green belt and not the red belt test. Same thing though, right? It should take about four hours, so I am going to start it now.

Wish me luck,

- Kyle

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