I did some more of my Facebook replica today. I spent 3 hours doing it and I barley got anything done. I have come to realize that this is going to take me a lot longer than anticipated. Here is a pic of the wall part of it so far. I have the messages and comments working. Everything the user does gets logged into the database and then posted on the page. Each message is given an ID and then the users use that to match the comment ID. That is the tricky part. Many errors have arisen from trying to get this to work. It seemed liked getting it to work the first time went a lot smoother. The styling takes forever as well. Not sure how Mark (yes, we are on first name basis) did this all by himself, when he was like 19.
Here is a rough draft of what I have done so far.

Hopefully, I don't get a cease and desist letter haha.. But, seriously........
- Kyle
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