Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 36

I have really been all over the place the last few days.. Going from OOP (object-oriented programming), to Ajax, to my Facebook wall, to my own site. With all of that, I think I am finally starting to get OOP down. It is quite confusing at times--with all of the terminology, but it is also one of the most important aspects to programming. It saves you a ton of time from having to repeat yourself over and over. You can just use another instance of a class or "blueprint" and add on to it. Just like anything though, it just takes time before it finally "clicks." I also had some time to actually think and read to myself today. I went outside and worked for a few hours. Only in California (maybe) can you sit outside at 8pm on the computer, in 60 degree weather.

Not my best post,

- Kyle

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