Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 4

Another day has flown by. I finished the 3rd CSS assignment today. It took about 12 hours (I don't really know time anymore haha) to finish the page. I was quite pleased with the outcome of it. I spend a lot of the time trying to make each part perfect because I expect perfection. I need to work out using less code and stop repeating myself. On the 4th assignment I am laying out everything first in inline-boxes to setup the page. This really helps with the layout and keeping things neat. On the first assignment I did not do any of this and it took a lot longer to know where some of the elements were and to fix them. I am starting to use more classes now to make the code cleaner. That is something I am slowly getting better at with time. Just making the code as neat and clean as possible.

A great thing about the Coding Dojo is that everyone is really friendly and willing to help. Some of the people in my class would make great instructors one day, and probably will be.

Time for me to get a little sleep tonight. Have only been sleeping 5 hours a night because all I want to do is code. There is really nothing else I would want to be doing. I am glad I found something I enjoy; and having the people at the Coding Dojo to help with the learning process.

I will try and load some pics of what I have completed tomorrow,

- Kyle

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