I literally have no idea what I did today. Okay, that may be a lie, but you get the idea. Today flew by and I felt like I spent more time fixing my WAMP and locahost, than I did actually writing code. Videos did account for a lot of the 13 hours I was there, too. Now that I think about it, I did learn quite a bit about databases and PHP. I guess it is also a good thing (kinda) that WAMP and localhost don't always work because it makes you have to learn what both of them are actually doing and how they work. Knowing how stuff works and how to fix it is one of the most important things in programming. You aren't always going to have someone helping you and you need to be able to fix it or look up how to fix it. Sooner or later the training wheels need to come off.

This little thing to the right may be one of my least favorite things in the world haha. Every time you fix something in the back-end, you cross your fingers that this bad boy does not show up. I guess the good things about the error message is that it shows where you error is. So, maybe I should be happy it comes up....? It's a love/hate thing.
Tomorrow we have a Halloween party and I don't have a costume. I don't have the time to get a costume either. I mean, it would only take like 15 minutes, but I feel like I wouldn't be giving it a 100%. I am thinking about either wearing a jersey and being "that guy", or cutting two holes out of a sheet and being a ghost. I am
leaning more towards the latter--to be honest. I feel like if I don't dress up, I may lost some respect. Which is saying that I had some to begin with.. Speaking of Halloween, I have still not seen Hocus Pocus this month. That is a Halloween tradition. O well, coding is more important anyway, right?
What I was going for with the ghost costume -->
<!-- Until tomorrow, -->
- $Kyle
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