Saturday, October 19, 2013

Day 13

I spent of all today finishing the yellow belt test from yesterday. It took an extra 5 hours today to get it done and there are still some things I could fix. Below is the version we had to recreate and my version. Some of the pictures are different because I could not find them. 

This is the site we had to recreate. The big picture is actually supposed to be a jQuery function to make it disappear. 

This is my version. I still could fix some things to make it exact, but I need to move on to the optional jQuery assignment and databases. The margins and padding on the far right could be moved to the exact spot. Something that I could not fix was the height of the borders. I wanted to match the size of the font on the lists, but padding top/bottom would not do the trick. 

This is the jQuery function I used to make the main picture disappear. The picture has the id of #away. 

$(document).ready(function() {

This was a little rushed because I have 2 minutes to send it in..

- Kyle 

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